31 Dec 2020
The police chief who stood back and did nothing as Black Lives Matter activists ripped down a historic statue in Bristol, England, during lockdown has received a medal in the New Year Honours.
Superintendent Andy Bennet was in charge of the response or non-response to BLM activists pouring into the streets of Bristol despite a national lockdown to topple a 125-year-old bronze of Edward Colston (1636–1721), a figure once revered as a great Christian philanthropist, responsible for endowing many almshouses, schools, and other charitable institutions, who has now been transformed into a hate figure for his then-unremarkable business links to the slave trade.
Underprivileged children in Bury can expect boxes brimming with gifts this Christmas thanks to the team at Hollybank Care Home and the copious donations they have received. Present filled shoeboxes, lovingly gift wrapped by staff and compiled by residents at Hollybank, will land on the doorsteps of struggling families across the Bury and Radcliffe area this Christmas. The Facebook appeal, headed by carers Jessica Filidoro and Mandy Bennet, has been met with a phenomenal response. Jessica said: “I’ve had nearly a hundred messages on Facebook. I didn’t even think I’d get enough to fill five boxes but here I am 60 boxes later.”