The Mandalorian has been one of the most beloved Star Wars projects in recent years. Airing exclusively on Disney+, the show follows a bounty hunter making his way through the galaxy. Stern Pinball, one of the biggest manufacturers of pinball machines, have revealed a new table inspired by The Mandalorian. The Mandalorian pinball table is designed with characters and iconography from the show, but has one really unique detail. Carl Weathers, who plays a recurring character in The Mandalorian, voices the callouts for the pinball table.
During Shacknews E5, we sat down with Jack Danger, an ambassador for Stern Pinball. During the interview, we learned more about the creation of the table and how it pulls elements from The Mandalorian. In the clip below, Danger explains that all of the voice lines heard while playing the game come from Carl Weathers himself.