Nagrot,May 01 (Scoop News)-Mayor Rajinder Sharma today visited migrants camp Jagti and TRT camp Nagrota and took stock of the problems being faced by the Kashmiri Pandit migrants residing here.
The Mayor was received by Seh Prabhari BJP KDD Hira Lal Bhat,State Media Head & Prabhari KDD BJP Youth Wing Chetan Wanchoo, Paira Lal, Mandal President and Rohit Ganjoo, District President KDD.
Hira Lal Bhat apprised the Mayor about the deplorable condition of migrant quarters. He apprised the Mayor that thousands of KPs families residing in Jagti and Nagrota TRT Township have been forced to live in insanitary and unhygienic conditions. He said there is no proper sanitation is available to the inmates residing in camps as majority of Kashmiri Pandits suffer from different ailments whose health problems are further compounded due to improper sanitation of the surroundings.
Chetan Wanchoo apprised the Mayor on the pathetic condition of the health facility in the area. He said there is dire
JAMMU, July 12: “Terrorism is on the last leg and the indebted nation salutes the valour and supreme sacrifices of the security forces and the police for maintaining edge over terrorists”, Mr Devender Rana said while paying tributes to Martyr L/Nk Ranjeet Singh of 3 JAK Rifles on his fifth death anniversary at Barn in the Nagrota Assembly Constituency. He referred to the zero tolerance policy of the Union Government against terrorism and said the forces were enforcing it in […]