With almost 34,000 people living in the Manawatū district, it’s not surprising that there are a wide range of views on what’s important. As part of their long-term planning process, Manawatū District Council has been out and about talking to residents .
Manawatū District Council and mana whenua Ngāti Kauwhata Iwi have been developing a constructed wetland at the Manawatū Wastewater Treatment Plant on Kawakawa Road. This will see approximately 6 million litres of treated wastewater go through an .
Awahuri Forest – Kitchener Park is one of 15 locations selected for the Rā Rākau Tītapu project, which will see over 100,000 native trees planted around Aotearoa to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. Rā Rākau Tītapu is being led .
A new round of funding from Council’s Waste Not, Want Not fund is open and we’re seeking applications from people who have ideas about how to divert waste from landfill. The Waste Not, Want Not fund was established last year, following the adoption of .
The Hits Manawatu are holding a Family Fun Day this school holidays with our friends at the Manawatu District Council!
Bring the kids down to Kowhai Park