Bhagya Lakshmi New Entry Twist: Featuring Rohit Suchanti and Aishwarya Khare in the lead roles, ZEE TV’s Bhagya Lakshmi is set to take a seven-year leap. After the time jump, the show will witness the entry of a new villain and the makers have roped in Yeh Hai Chahatein actress Krutika Khira to play the antagonist.
Read about Manas Shah, an actor from Yeh Hai Chahatein, who talks about the golden opportunity of playing a double role in the show and the impact it has on male actors in television.
As per Pinkvilla s exclusive sources, actor Manas Shah has been roped in for Yeh Hai Chahatein. Post leap, the viewers will witness an interesting love triangle on the show.
'Hamari Bahu Silk' actor Manas Shah who earlier during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 claimed about going through a rough phase financially and had to sell off his car and exit the rented house, now reveals about enjoying the best phase in life .