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Sputnik International
president of ubecki becki-stan-stan, i m going to say i don t know, do you know? the least of herman cain s problems now but they are causing trouble. i ll explain. then, new studies confirm what we know. america is slipping behind in education worldwide. we take an in-depth look with the secretary of education and bill gates. first, here s my take. i ve been thinking about occupy wall street which is now occupying a number of other cities in america. and wondering what is it really about. the protesters don t like bank bailouts, they feel the 99% have been hard done by it, and they re protesting what they see as inequality. but america has always had more inequality than many countries. i think the underlying sense of frustration is over a very unamerican state of affairs, a loss of social mobility. americans have so far put up with inequality because they felt they could change their status. they didn t mind other being rich as long as they had a path to move up, as
america s impending drawdown in afghanistan. he s worried. next up when they ask me who s the president of ubecki becki-stan-stan, i m going to say, you know, i don t know. do you know? the least of herman cain s problems now but they are causing trouble. i ll explain. then, new studies confirm what we know. america is slipping behind in education worldwide. we take an in-depth look with the secretary of education and bill gates. but first, here s my take. i ve been thinking about occupy wall street, which is now occupying a number of other cities in america, and wondering what is it really about? the protesters don t like bank bailouts, they feel the 99% have been hard done by it, and they re protesting what they see as inequality. but america has always had more inequality than many countries. i think the underlying sense of frustration is over a very un-american state of affairs, a loss of social mobility. americans have so far put up with inequality because
the kyrgyzstan s flag has a sun on it with 40 rays of light coming from it. now for how all the violence is impacting our u.s. troops that are fighting the war in afghanistan, cnn foreign affairs correspondent jill daugherty is joining us from washington. you have been to the base that is crucial to troops there. many times, in fact. tell us about that and how it is affecting the supplies getting to our troops. well, i have not been on the base, but i have been in kyrgyzstan itself many times. it is a beautiful country. it is very, very poor, but the reason that it is important is its geo-politically strategically located. the u.s. has a base, the manas air base. the russians have an air base as well. if you remember that name, the manas air base, you may remember a while ago when there was a big debate in going back and forth with the united states on how much they were going to pay for the base. they ended up paying, basically, three times what the u.s. was