boone s. right. michael moore in trumpland is available on itunes and theaters. my moderate to severe crohn s diase,. .i w always searching for wayso mananay sympto. i ought i d it covered. thenealized managing was all i was doing. when i finally told my doctor, he smira was for people like me who haveried other meditions,. but still experience the symptoms of moderate to sever crohn s disease. in clinical studies, the majorityf patients on humira saw significant symptom .and many achi remison. humira can lowerour ability ght infections. .iluding tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections a crs,. including lymphoma, havehaened; as havblood, liver, and nervs system proems, seous allergic reactions,. .and new or worsing heart faure. before treatment, get tested for tb. where certain fungal infections, to areas