Watch as the Tararua District Council makes an historic decision to introduce Māori wards.
Emotions ran high as Tararua Māori celebrated an historic decision which will grant them greater participation in the decisions that affect them, and strengthen and reaffirm their partnership with the Tararua District Council. A celebratory haka, lead by Ngāti Kahungunu ki Tāmakinui-a-Rua chairman Hayden Hape, erupted as Tararua District Council voted 7-1 to establish a Māori ward for the 2022 local government elections. Hape said it was an amazing and historic affirmation of unity that would guarantee Māori a seat at the table, when they had too often been sidelined in the past.
Ngāti Kahungunu ki Tāmaki nui-a-Rua chairman Hayden Hape with grandson Riley Hape, 1, as Tararua District Council votes to adopt Māori wards.
Emotions ran high as Tararua Māori celebrated an historic decision which will grant them greater participation in the decisions that affect them, and strengthen and reaffirm their partnership with the Tararua District Council. A celebratory haka, lead by Ngāti Kahungunu ki Tāmaki nui-a-Rua chairman Hayden Hape, erupted as Tararua District Council voted 7-1 to establish a Maori ward for the 2022 local government elections. Hape said it was an amazing and historic affirmation of unity that would guarantee Māori a seat at the table, when they had too often been sidelined in the past.
Tōtara a living memorial to Woodville soldiers
9 Dec, 2020 10:49 PM
2 minutes to read
The 26 tōtara trees at Ferry Reserve are a memorial to Woodville s soldiers.
Photo / Supplied
The 26 tōtara trees at Ferry Reserve are a memorial to Woodville s soldiers.
Photo / Supplied
Hawkes Bay Today
Twenty-six soldiers from the Woodville district who died in World War II have been commemorated by a living memorial of tōtara trees at Ferry Reserve.
More than 100 school children, teachers and parents joined Rangitāne tangata whenua, members of the Woodville RSA, Horizons Regional Council, Woodville Lions and Woodville Domain Board to mulch around the 26 trees in preparation for the summer ahead.