At least eight lakh people in Jharkhand have been affected by Cyclone Yaas , which barrelled through the state early on Thursday, unleashing copious rain that lashed parts of the state, including Ranchi, and throwing life out of gear in many areas, officials said. Around 15,000 people have been evacuated and moved to safety, and rescue operations are still underway in East Singhbhum district among other places, as water level in several rivers, including Kharkhai and Subarnarekha, continues to flow above the danger mark.
Cyclone Yaas , packing winds of up to 130-145 kmph, whiplashed the country s eastern coasts on Wednesday, before losing its force to an extent as it hollered on its destructive path to Jharkhand.
2 dead, 5,000 more evacuated as cyclone-triggered rain pummels Jharkhand
Close to eight lakh people have been affected by the cyclone and copius rain triggered by it
A major bridge on river Kanchi that connects Bundu with Tamar near Ranchi collapses following torrential rain.
Ranchi: Two people died in Jharkhand s capital Ranchi as their house collapsed amid incessant rainfall under the impact of cyclone Yaas , which had rampaged through the state after causing extensive damage in West Bengal and Odisha, a top official said on Thursday.
A major bridge on river Kanchi that connects Bundu with Tamar near Ranchi also collapsed following torrential rain, he said.
Cyclone Yaas batters Odisha, West Bengal after making landfall May 26, 2021
Rescue personnel are carrying out restoration work in war footing in different parts of the state of Odisha.
Rescue personnel are carrying out restoration work in war footing in different parts of the state of Odisha.
CALCUTTA Cyclone Yaas pounded the coastal areas in north Odisha and neighboring West Bengal as it made landfall around 9 a.m. on Wednesday with a wind speed of 130 kmph. More than a million people in India have been evacuated as the cyclone made landfall on its eastern coast.
According to news agency PTI, the rising river water levels due to the landfall of Cyclone Yaas inundated large parts of Bengal’s coastal districts of Purba Medinipur and South 24 Parganas, as sea waves were seen touching coconut treetops and cars floating in floodwaters.