Additional SP, STF, Vishal Vikram said that a team was assigned the task to bust the gang which was selling fake sex stimulants among the gullible persons. They were tipped off about the gang which was involved in the crime. 📰 Uttar Pradesh: STF Arrests Four for Selling Fake Sex Stimulants in Lucknow.
A police officer was arrested in Jharkhand s Ramgarh district on Thursday when she was allegedly accepting a bribe for covering up a rape case, an Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) official said. Jharkhand Shocker: Police Officer Threatens to Demolish House if Bribe Not Paid for Rape Case Cover-up in Ramgarh, Arrested.
Man Arrested For Posing As Cop To Extort Money From People Without Masks: Mumbai Police Man Arrested For Posing As Cop To Extort Money From People Without Masks: Mumbai Police The Mahim police on Wednesday arrested Anil Ashok Tawde for allegedly robbing an autorickshaw driver of Rs 5,000 by posing as a policeman, an official said.
Further probe is underway: Police (Representational)
A 35-year-old man has been arrested here for allegedly posing as a policeman to extort money from people roaming without masks in public places, tthe police said on Friday.
The Mahim police on Wednesday arrested Anil Ashok Tawde for allegedly robbing an autorickshaw driver of Rs 5,000 by posing as a policeman, an official said.
Man Poses As Cop, Cheats Shopkeeper Of Rs 1.3 Lakh Using Bank App In Indore: Police Man Poses As Cop, Cheats Shopkeeper Of Rs 1.3 Lakh Using Bank App In Indore: Police The police stated that they will check with the bank to ascertain whether he used the original app for cheating.
The accused, who was an ambulance driver, has been arrested (Representational)
A man posing as a policeman was arrested for allegedly cheating a general store owner by using a private bank s app to the tune of Rs 1.3 lakh in Khajrana area in Indore s district of Madhya Pradesh on Thursday.