a university student. and i was a midfielder. we had to keep our passion for football a secret. because it was still frowned upon intellectually. there s a moment. actually the time democracy had just been restored. the country had been democratic for a year and a half or two after having been a dictatorship for more than ten years. nine hundred seventy eight we won a world cup during that military dictatorship but ok speaking of politics. we felt it was somehow a shame to a one the world cup at home during a dictatorship i don t think i would i m going to. but today i want to talk about
was the. was the moment the green really won the seat it was an incredible moment and when he dribbled past the third player we were all glued to our seats at home because we knew what was coming and he was unstoppable and we don t want to in the end argentina one two one. he of course and i finally i was at the end the other we made it to the semis and then the final and we won the world cup for the month and then two and won the game i think that broke a taboo finally you could tell the world that you loved football without shame. you could be an intellectual read write and also watch football so where there are simply a community that examine somewhere that a footballer. the most out of every one could be a fan from that moment on thanks tomorrow donna i want to see now what i love mary
and. i knew every german player i knew what they looked like and how they played and the fact that they were world champions really meant something it was as if they were my friends i d. bought a book was there to get it to them finn from fish notes and food for the one nine hundred fifty four world cup was the first post-war tournaments germany took part and i was twelve years old at the time in my mind the older generation was completely occupied with the reconstruction effort the war was over people were saving money and football wasn t very important to them. they would have never dreamt that football could help germany regain some respect the in tommy time and
not the way things developed after the fall of the com disco sexual tension came from watching the game together until the mines i m. off to school was the that was. stateside five guys this route got mostly taken. and. when you listen to the radio commentary you imagine you can see the match if you really believe you can but what you see is a product of your own imagination if you have the images of the team members but you re playing yourself you have the moves that you imagine you re one of the players such as this one not fear is just the wrong goal utter joy for it was. all that got her going and she started sharing i had no idea how she felt about football and so far from god through pride i have
got one for the eyes and bomber whom my father worked for the railways in whose him he was a mid-level civil servant and there were strict family rules that this is like trying to get as good marks as possible at school because that was the best way of being left alone and being allowed out to play in soviet and going out man playing football on the street using whatever we could find in cans chesnuts rarely a ball sometimes a pig s bladder in terms of sports my whole childhood was about football as a radio and football. sport. spot the saudi one to. say that god knows the inventor of stajan in battle as a mosquito the first guy bednarz the shaft fish and guides down the only guy on the product that is the bad sim i m on. the tactics and i dance on top unfortunately the day of the final was a sunday and the rule in our house was that by parents would go for