bringing human faces and family partners into the discussion and throughout the country. that s really the supreme court decision itself recognized that, that we now have a profound change over the last 10, 20 years in which people have come out and we understand them to be just like us. i think that s one of the biggest changes. we were talking earlier in 2004 president george w. bush won support by drumming people up to get to the polls to vote against same-sex marriage. one of the architects of that was ken melman who was at the time in the closet is now out a gay man lobbying for same-sex marriage. those kinds of changes, people coming out of the closet, whether it s vice president cheney s daughter or the former director of the republican national committee or whomever, that changes opinions. because then people think, oh, i know gay people. i didn t think i did. in reality, it shouldn t. it shouldn t have taken justice powell to meet a gay person to