plays the violin and didn t get into college because of your race? the supreme court is, again, looking at affirmative action and whether it belongs in the college admin process. love y welcome, everyone. let s start with this occasion. in 2003 in a case involving the university of michigan law school, the court upheld a prior ruling saying admissions officers can indeed consider race as part of a wholistic recrew of an applicant s file. a student says she was not accepted because she is white. at the same time, some asian american students say they don t even identify their race when they apply for college because some studies suggest they need to have higher scores than white students to get into some colleges. nicole, when it comes to college admission, should race still be considered? race should definitely be considered. when we look at what s happening in the public education system, it s failing a lot of brown and black students. so when we think about providing comm
good morning, everyone. it s wednesday, december 14th. i m christine romans along with carol costello on this american morning. good morning. good morning, good morning to all of you. good and bad news this morning for the gop front-runner newt gingrich. with less than thee weeks until the iowa caucuses his political director in the state stepped down after calling mormonism a cult. two gop candidates, mitt romney and jon huntsman are mormons. gingrich is already working with a bare bones staff in this state and meantime, gingrich opened a commanding lead nationally over mitt romney, but head-to-head with the president, well, that s another story. cnn political director paul steinhauser got your title wrong, paul. it s all good. you re the best guy at cnn. paul steinhauser, and you re here on this american morning. okay. let s talk about these polls. reporter: yeah. starpt with t staff with the numbers. brand new from nbc wall street journal numbers. the battl
so th this has become a man bites dog story. adding to that is the fact you do have some conflicts of interest here. we all deal in our life with conflicts of interest. i think one guy, the secretary of transportation ray lahood, i think he is an honorable fair-minded guy. but i tell you, if you listen to the congressional hearings and no question some of the congress m congressmen recognize the conflict. neil: absolutely. they re taking it out on toyota. neil: i think that in the past you could claim that much. good to see you, governor. thank you. thank you for having me. neil: haley barbour. congressman not letting up on toyota so why in tokyo are the japanese saying all of this sounds like we re giving up on japan? the damage our politicians are doing with all of this chest-thumping. these are actual farmers who raise vegetables in campbell s condensed soup. so if you ve ever wondered who grew my soup,
against him in 2020. he doesn t fare well against many of those. but the latest news and the story that i m going to tell you at least for me seems to get stranger by the moment. you have stormy daniels attorney going on the air 40, 50 times a day. all i can say is, if you re holding four as, you re not running around yelling and screaming and calling other people punks or whatever and it s very unsettling, i think for all those who thought that he might have something that was significant. right now with every television appearance he makes i become more skeptical of this story. having said that, the president s silence is incredible given the fact that he pushes back at much smaller things. he s not afraid to talk about untoward things and yet he will not push back at the allegations of this porn star and also former playboy model. he won t talk about them at all.