Amid pregnancy rumours, Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover recently attended a family get-together and had a gala time with each other. Pictures and videos from the party went viral all over the internet and fans tried to spot the actress baby bump.
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Bipasha Basu s Mother Sends Out Maha Shivratri Wishes With Quirky Twist Dhoom fame Bipasha Basu is back from her recent Maldives vacation with her husband. Today on Maha Shivratri, Bipasha took to Insta to wish everyone.
Actor Bipasha Basu recently shared a fun video of her mother wishing everyone for Maha Shivratri. This year, the Maha Shivratri festival falls on March 11. Read along to know what the video that Bipasha posted on her Instagram story featuring her mother is all about.
Bipasha Basu shares a video of her mother extending Maha Shivratri wishes
Race fame actor Bipasha Basu shared a video clip of her mother extending Mahashivratri wishes to all. Her mother can be heard saying, Shubh Shivratri, sabka mangal ho. Bipasha shared this clip writing, My mother sends good wishes to all #victim of filters . Bipasha s mother Mamta Basu could be seen using the viral Instagram filter featuring white doggy ears with hearts in the middle. Bipasha in