Florida International University
Search Proceeds from medical student fundraiser will provide free mammograms to more than 100 uninsured women
The annual student-organized art show and auction raised a record $17K this year.
Mammograms can save lives, but many women can t afford them.
Nearly 10 years ago, medical students at the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine (HWCOM) organized a fundraiser to pay for mammograms for uninsured, low-income women. The first Mammography Art Initiative Art Show and Auction (MAI) raised about $6,000. MAI became a yearly fundraiser. This year, students raised a record $17,000. We were nervous about how successful MAI would be with the challenges of the pandemic. It was a nice surprise that it was so successful, said Allison Bautista, one of the second-year medical students who helped organize the event.