A few weeks ago I was drawn to the final item of The Weekend Australian’s editorial column, a section I have been known to pass over. Under the heading, ‘Hurt boy’s inhuman treatment’, was set out the details of a 15-year-old West Australian boy who had been ‘locked alone in a glass-walled observation cell of a juvenile detention centre in the southern suburbs of Perth for 79 days.’ By Julian Butler
Sweet Justice beekeeping beckons for keen parolees from Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre
FriFriday 16
updated Yesterday at 9:26pm
FriFriday 16
Claire Moore runs Sweet Justice, a rehabilitation program inside the Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre.
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Kyneton beekeeper Claire Moore is sweetening the job prospects for young men ending their time in the youth justice system.
Key points:
A Kyneton beekeeper is setting up her own social enterprise to offer young men employment on parole
Claire Moore runs Sweet Justice, a rehabilitation program in the Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre
She is hoping to help boost a struggling honey industry