every intentional infliction of harm by one person on another, but certainly the legislator could not provide that the only fact that must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt, and specify the range of punishments that could be shown by preponderant evidence that the defendant robbed, raped, were killed his victims during the commission of the offense. here justice stevens for the first time articulate a vision of the right, not simply state wendy jury goes or night, it s says when the defendant gets a jury and lays down that the legislature cannot manipulate the defendant out of that right. . so that was 1990. as i told you at the top, 10 years later in apprende in 2000 justice stevens actually wrote an opinion for five justices holding exactly what he had told the court it was not too late to hold in walton and exactly what he had advocated for in mcmillan. he said the right to jury trial along with the right to have facts to your sentence are rights of surpassing importan
nrc focuses on whether there is a separate facility that has agreed to accept the waste. we obtain the views of the affected compact states and the executive branch. the pier policy question of whether it should be permitted to take up space in the disposal facilities would involve interests beyond the traditional role as regulator to consider. . . entrepreneurial interests and the state confirms an expectation under the low level active policy waste act. the nrc will share its views on import and export licensing and contribute its technical expertise to those expertise to those decisionmakers t ide questions the draft legislation. low-level waste import regulation is a regulatory one the proposed import can be acco mr. chairman, members of the subcommittee, this completes my statement. i am happy to answer your questions. thank you, very much. our next witness is the executive director of the low- level radioactive waste board. this board is responsible for implementing t