The Enforcement Directorate today said it has seized an asset worth Rs 36.8 crore of a Goa-based miner's son as part of its investigation into 'Pandora Papers' leaks which "revealed" his alleged undisclosed foreign exchange dealings outside India.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) initiated an investigation against Rohan Timblo, on the basis of Pandora Paper leaks where it was found that Rohan Timblo, son of Goa-based miner Radha Timblo, owned an offshore family trust and three entities which had come under the scanner of the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore.
“The ED probe found that Asiaciti Trust Singapore Pte Ltd provided corporate trustee services to the Colares Trust, of which Rohan Timblo was the sole settlor and one of the beneficiaries, along with his wife Mallika Timblo and their children,” the ED said.