ASSISTANT vice-president for the National Secondary Students’ Council’s region one, Dannyelle-Jordan Bailey says schools need to focus more on developing and assessing students’ soft skills, and u.
FROM a very young age, Samoya Gordon, a grade six student of Friendship Primary School in St Catherine, learned that one crucial ingredient to success and upward mobility was having the ability to.
SOME of the nation’s youngsters have agreed that the danger of using social media has escalated, due to addiction, online predators and inappropriate content.
Sharing their views during this wee.
FAMOUS local entertainers have skirted around accepting responsibility for the negative impact that their sometimes profanity-laced music has on children, but several youth from primary and high s.
GRUESOME reports of children killed, abused and missing linger on nine-year-old Ngozi Wright’s mind and causes her to wonder if she is the next victim.
That was the heart-breaking response share.