Extinction Rebellion (XR) plans to block the A12 highway in The Hague again today in protest against the government’s support for the fossil fuel industry. Unlike with previous protests, the climate activists plan to keep this one going until the government stops all its subsidies to the fossil industry. If the police remove or arrest activists, new ones will replace them.
Supporters of the climate action group Extinction Rebellion began the announced blockade of the A12 highway in The Hague on Saturday. Just before noon, several thousand protesters walked onto the highway. There they were stopped by the police. Start actie #A12 pic.twitter.com/ALJIyZRz1T
As with previous highway blockades, The Hague banned Extinction Rebellion supporters from blocking the A12 highway. But this time, climate activists are also not welcome at the Malieveld next door, where they want to hold a support demonstration. All protesters must go to Laan van Reagan en Gorbatsjov, opposite Den Haag Central Station. Mayor Jan van Zanen announced those restrictions on Thursday.
The Netherlands has declared a state of emergency in a bid to prevent farmers from protesting against the country’s green tyranny in the name of “fighting climate change.” SHTF Plan‘s Mac Slavo wrote about the situation on July 3, noting that the Dutch government at The Hague made the declaration in response to a June […]
The Hague, Netherlands: Dutch police arrested seven people and two officers were injured on Thursday as angry farmers renewed their protest campaign against the government s environmental plans.