for these mail-in ballots and early voting, this is deja vu. j.d. vance won in ohio, congratulations. trump endorsed him. i like j.d. but mcconnell had to plow about $32 million to help j.d. win in a state that trump won by 8. that money could have gone to masters in arizona. now, malice terse, ohio also like, didn t raise enough dough. got outspent by about a billion dollars a gazillion dollars, i can t keep track. and got defined early by kelly s money as kind of out there. now, arizona s tricky. republicans have to run independent-type guys out there. it s like a mccain state. maverick state. sinema does her thing out there. it s weird. nobody can even define what kelly believes in, but it works. all we know is that he is an astronaut who has great manners or something. mcconnell spent close to $400 million on these senate