deliberately run down an armed suspect with his car. i want to first show you that video in full context. the video is disturbing the language is graphic, the suspect survived the incident. [ bleep ]. you don t want to do this. you don t want to do this. i have a male hispanic male. he s now walking southbound toward the next block from burlingame. i m staying back. put the gun down put the gun down down. keep everybody away one round just went out into the sky definitely locked now, definitely loaded.
they will shovel bundles of marijuana down in here. 22, 25 pounds a piece and sack em up, typically in something about this size you may be able to get. they would put maybe 60, 70 pounds in something like this spray paint it black you can see where the straps are on it. then they will this will be on there, and then what you do, you can imagine, this is basically where it goes. the sack itself will be here, basically and you would be walking with that i ve seen as little as 25 to 30. all the way up to largest pack i saw was 82 pounds by itself. reporter: based on what we ve learned there s a traffic stop, a male hispanic male, 20 to 25-years-old in a
like a poe day sack. they will shovel bundles of marijuana down in here. 22, 25 pounds a piece and sack em up, typically in something about this size you may be able to get. they would put maybe 60, 70 pounds in something like this spray paint it black you can see where the straps are on it. then they will this will be on there, and then what you do, you can imagine, this is basically where it goes. the sack itself will be here, basically and you would be walking with that i ve seen as little as 25 to 30. all the way up to largest pack i saw was 82 pounds by itself. reporter: based on what we ve learned there s a traffic stop, a male hispanic male, 20 to 25-years-old in a