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viagra. talk to your docr. see if america s most prescribed e.d. treatment is right for you. so i ve got to take care of my heart. for me cheerios is a good place to start. [ male anuncer ] to keep doing what you love, take re of your heart with cheerios. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. love your heart so yo can do what you love. looks like we re in for a bumpy ride. go ahead, ignore me. but in this turbulent market, you re going to need help. protecting some of your assets for retirement. an axa equitable annuity could give you. guaranteed income for life. i d call them, but what do i know? i m just the 800-pound gorilla in the room. don t worry. i m here. want guaranteed income for life?
for me cheerios is a good place to start. [ male anuncer ] to keep doing what you love, take re of your heart with cheerios. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. love your heart so yo can do what you love. couple of quick headlines for you. if you re not sleeping much, you re not alone. more than a third of americans get less than seven hours a night. researchers recommend getting seven to nine hours of sleep to prevent long-term health problems. and a guy tries to rob a convenience store but gets a face full of pepper spray. the suspect had a gun but the owner sprayed him in the eyes and sent him running. the suspect crashed his car into a utility pole and was arrested on the spot. brian? all right, you talk about a golden parachute. the superintendent of wayne township school district over in indianapolis is ending his career with a $1 million retirement package. meanwhile, the school has had to cut 127 jobs to save $10 million.
it must be cool. if you ever needed proof of media bias in covering the bush administration vs. the obama administration, well, apparently, we now have it. shocking new numbers that prove a double standard. and florida governor rick scott being sued by his democratic and republican senators for turning down billions in federal money. how does he defend that? he s on his way to the couch to explain. there he is. [ bob ] i d love to build bird houses for the rest of my life. so i ve got to take care of my heart. for me cheerios is a good place to start. [ male anuncer ] to keep doing what you love, take re of your heart with cheerios. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. love your heart so yo can do what you love.
enough plastic water bottles to stretch around the earth over 190 times. each brita filter can take up to 300 of those bottles out of the equation. so i ve got to take care of my heart. for me cheerios is a good place to start. [ male anuncer ] to keep doing what you love, take re of your heart with cheerios. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. love your heart so yo can do what you love.