Someone tweeted the other day that he never reads newspapers now or pays any attention to MSM (mainstream media). Occasionally he visits websites of newspapers but he doesn’t bother reading the articles. He reads the comments below the articles, because that’s where he learns what is really going on in the world.
We have not been in safe hands with the Executive we chose. That’s because we did not choose it for its competence. We mostly elected parties to represent distinct sectarian communities and to assert the identities of those communities.
I was watching a corpulent poet the other day. He was standing erect, discoursing with friends and admirers, his thumbs tucked into his belt like a cowboy, and I thought his pose a little uncharacteristic for the philosophical type.
If Michelle O’Neill told the former chief constable, as he reportedly claimed in a closed session of the Policing Board, that Sinn Fein might withdraw support for policing over the Lower Ormeau incident, then the implications are serious.