In a major operation, multiple station houses of Mumbai Police in collaboration with the Department of Telecom have busted a huge racket of 2,197 fake mobile SIM cards issued in single names and arrested 13 people, top officials said here on .
The order issued by Mumbai Police said that on 15/04/2023 and 16/04/2023 in view of the Home Minister of India's Mumbai visit, no drone, para gliders, all types of balloons, kites and remote control microlight aircraft flying activities to be allowed
In a major breakthrough, the Mumbai Police tracked and arrested, from near Ahmedabad, a Thane bookie, who was absconding for over five years, for his role in the sensational case pertaining to threats, blackmail and bribes offer to the .
Read Latest India News Quickly Here | Finally we tracked him to Kalol in Gujarat. He was caught just before midnight and brought to Mumbai. The accused has at least 15 cases registered against him and he will be handed over to the Malabar Hill Police today," said a top officer.
The crime branch of Mumbai Police went to Gujarat and arrested Anil Jaisinghani. He was brought to Mumbai and handed over to the police at Malabar Hill Police Station.