also fund feeding program, wick, women and infants program, so no woman has an abortion because she can t afford to have a child. economy can t get republican support for these kinds of efforts, theyth is hip chris circumstance don t care about stopping abortion but just in interfering in the lives of women, as melissa says, making women scape goats but this isn t going to work there is a broad-based coalition to fight back. american support contra accepts, they support parenthood. we are the mainstream position, they are the crazy. i know you know bill clinton came out with a wonderful statement. hoofrnlter is bill clinton s statements, doesn t make many on this issue, a former politician, republicans eliminate the funding for planned parenthood will in the end cost more than it saves by ending the ability of more than american women to receive family planning services, breast and cervical cancer screenings and preventive health care at cost he-efficient