what is this bill went to look like. what sort of affect is in the economy, taxpayers, do they like you can make are they able to fill out their taxes on a postcard as brady suggested. legislating is a lot like making wine, not sausage. they put it in the bottle today, and they opened up 4, 5 years from now and will have a whiff of the bouquet and see if this is a nice cabernet or this is swell. we do not know you. it takes a few years for legislation to see if this is good wine or bad one. dana: chad pergram, nobody better on capitol hill to follo follow. will check back in with you. republicans on the verge of this historic tax cut as we wait for the final houseboat our political panel will weigh in with reaction. of heart attack or stroke. non-insulin victoza® lowers a1c,
saturdays. the more benefits that big companies have to raise your salary, provide more benefits to you, that trickles down. it s a good thing. your point is 100% correct. thank you very much. happy thanksgiving. you too. take care. senate republicans considering changes the rules in order to speed up the confirmation of the judicial nominees. we ll tell you how. new evidence shows us just how long folks have been making wine. perfect for thanksgiving. it s longer than you might have thought even if you reach your a1c goal
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he s running for reelection. he s sago owe i m saying he s got a lot of explaining to do about the economy if that s what he s out talking about. i don t think the folks in iowa are going to be real excited about unemployment rate where it is and the number of americans who are out of work. this president has been an ab jekt failure when it comes to the economy. republican candidate michele bachmann s bus will be in dpreenville and spartanburg, south carolina, today. today is the national day of action. latino groups will protest the immigration policies. he s been criticized for the number of undocumented immigrants 1:30 eastern in boston. 2:00 eastern in charlotte and 3:00 eastern in miami. now on to san francisco. bart says the trains are running on normal schedules again. transit officials closed and reopened several downtown stations yesterday to keep protests from getting out of hand. protestors are calling attention to several shootings involving bart polic