Vincent Callebaut Architectures has created “The Green Line”, an inhabited garden footbridge prototype that “
generates its own energy from renewable sources, recycles its own waste and wastewater, and optimizes its needs thanks to Information and Communication Technologies”. Inspired by a fish skeleton, the proposal links the Bercy Village to the Masséna district in Paris, restoring urban connections and connecting the 12th and 13th arrondissements.
Promoting social and cultural innovation, The Green Line generates a functional urban continuum between two entities separated by the Seine, the Parc de Bercy, on the right bank, and the Jardins Abbé-Pierre - Grands-Moulins, on the left bank. Through flexible and mutable shared spaces, Vincent Callebaut Architectures imagined a structure that “
ceremonies demonstrate that there s some type of continued connection and commitment, certainly in the defense cooperation between the united states and the gulf. it s important to ask the question, we know what we re giving but what are we getting? and these are not the hardest parts of a diplomatic engagement. the hard questions about is the united states going to get more involved in syria as it appears to be backsliding into deeper military engagements there, are we going to support military action against iran? certainly we don t want to get sucked into a sectarian war between sunni and shia states and we have to be very careful about that. those are going to be the thorny issues. right now the low-hanging fruit, signing of arms deals, that s not something that is ever very controversial in the middle east. president obama eight years ago made a similar speech that president trump will be making tomorrow. i want to take a listen to that and then we ll talk. the enduring faith
family got sick of me, everybody is sick of me. all i can think about, as you know, these lawyers have these tunnel vision. the only person who understood what i had been going through was ted olsen. and ted olsen has taken a lot of heat. he has. from conservatives, not surprisingly, amongst conservatives. what was his reaction been to the criticism that he s faced? he s been off the ra si ae sl though less and less as he keeps winning in california. his point is, look, this is a constitutional issue, this isn t a democratic/republican, liberal/conservative. they believe gays and lesbians should be allowed the right to marry because it s guaranteed in the equal protection clause of the constitution, period. no matter how many states have voted to ban it. that s the case he ll be making tomorrow. and we ve been obviously tracking public opinion polls on this issue for years. yes. and right now there s more public support nationally for same-sex marriage than ever