An emergency fund makes it possible to turn a surprise expense from a disaster into a simple annoyance. Here’s how much to save in an emergency fund and how to build one.
fivejobs? yeah. five part time jobs, but five jobs, nonetheless. how difficult is it for you, if you don t mind me asking? we live hand to mouth, so we don t have any money left at the end of the month. in fact, making ends meet is a struggle. we didn t really have any extravagances but we are cutting down everything, so no takeaways. i ve got my bike out, i m cycling to places. we were fortunate enough to have some money gifted to us by my mum, so we managed to get some house renovations done. literally they were finished last september, so just before liz truss and the budget, the infamous budget but all liz truss and the budget, the infamous budget put all the interest rates up. had we known that was happening we probably wouldn t have spent the money on the house at that time, so we would have had money to make
An emergency fund makes it possible to turn a surprise expense from a disaster into a simple annoyance. Here’s how much to save in an emergency fund and how to build one.