alliances our country has. and that is our relationship with israel. with regard to the clinton campaign, you re obviously, familiar with the premise of this brand-new book, clinton cash. i m reading it. i just started. some of it is complicated. the premise is that foreigners who are prohibited from making contributions towards a clinton campaign, nevertheless were able to curry favorite with bill and hillary through contributions through the foundation or by engaging him to speak. do you think this sticks or is it just too complicated in an era where many americans attention spans seem relegated to 20-second sound bites? here s the deal. the clinton cake has been mixed. it has been baked and it s on the counter. in that cake, for better for or for worse, people already presume that the clintons believe that they are above the law. that people believe that the clintons don t play by the same set of rules. but, and this is an important point, when we get into the
it is political motivated and not true. i am working with the people involved to make sure we answer the questions and i am thoroughly convinced i will be cleared. speaker boehner called her a courageous voice. they believe they will have a easier time holding the seat. a nevada high rolling was convicted of making contributions to harry reid. harvey whitmore illegally funneled money to reid s campaign. complaints about the irs throwing good money after more good money and does congress need to spend tax dollars to teach staff members how to get a good night s sleep? . i want to make things more secure.
push as senator schumer has to bar foreign corporations from foreign-owned corporations from making contributions. that might help us begin to get a handle on what is a really dangerous situation for the country. i would like to see what republicans would get behind that. great to have you with us thanks so much. good to be with you. so much more in the next half hour of the ed show. stay tuned. i have absolutely nothing to deal with. i really don t. supreme court justice antonin scalia goes off the rails criticizing the president. the big panel on the fox and friends justice next. darryl issa lets the truth slip about his fast and furious witch hunt. do you have any evidence that white house officials were involved in these decisions, that they knowingly misled congress and are involved in a cover-up? no, we don t. and find out why republicans are breaking with michele
that money against me should make you want to vote for me. paul wellstone, the great late senator from minnesota, was vastly outspent in his campaigns and he made some very funny and gripping ads about the fact he had to talk faster than everybody else because he didn t have all that money.schweitzer important point that maybe gives some opening in the future. he kept talking about how international money might come into his state and elsewhere. there are laws against foreign contributions to american campaigns. i think congress, people should push as senator schumer has to bar foreign corporations from foreign owned corporations from making contributions. that might help us begin to get a handle on what is a really dangerous situation for the country. i would like to see what republicans would get behind that. great to have you with us tonight. good to be with you. so much more in the next half
there are laws against foreign contributions to american campaigns. i think congress, people should push as senator schumer has to bar foreign corporations from foreign-owned corporations from making contributions. that might help us begin to get a handle on what is a really dangerous situation for the country. i would like to see what republicans would get behind that. great to have you with us thanks so much. good to be with you. so much more in the next half hour of the ed show. stay tuned. i have absolutely nothing to deal with. i really don t. supreme court justice antonin scalia goes off the rails criticizing the president. the big panel on the fox and friends justice next. darryl issa lets the truth slip about his fast and furious witch hunt. do you have any evidence that white house officials were involved in these decisions, that they knowingly misled congress and are involved in a cover-up? no, we don t. and find out why republicans are breaking with m