rulers of maymar. which of course the united nations as they will not do at this stage. t the united nations as they will not do at this stage. do at this stage. i want to understand do at this stage. i want to understand better - do at this stage. i want to understand better that i do at this stage. i want to - understand better that statement do at this stage. i want to understand better that statement you heard from the un in your interview about the style being a civil war. to what degree do the opponents of the military coordinated work together across the country? iloathed the military coordinated work together across the country? what we are seeinr together across the country? what we are seeing is together across the country? what we are seeing is loose together across the country? what we are seeing is loose networks - together across the country? what we are seeing is loose networks of i are seeing is loose networks of civilian militia at work some of the people defe
we ll head back to breaking news. thank you. we will go west in ukraine to lviv were underwear lucas tomlinson has the latest reactions. satellite companies have three-mile up convoy of american spy satellites are watching that over the ukrainians they would annihilate ukraine s air defense systems and fighter jets and helicopter gunships, ukraine is still flying slow-moving drones that the turks gave the ukrainians and droning the russian armed convoys, that could be next. as you mentioned 6 miles from where trey is in western ukraine. a week ago college students of the university town relaxing and enjoying themselves. today they are making bombs. earlier we saw these college students make molotov cocktails and a large roadside bombs. something that tears would make
lucas can you hear me? lucas tomlinson in lviv. bret a week ago college kids in the summer having gone there out they did not think the russians were coming. today they are making bombs. we saw walking the streets much larger some of these tanks in this country because of this many people are many are fleeing thousands are making their way work trait was just reported moving their weight to lviv. in the past 24 hours, bret, 120 americans have left ukraine according to u.s. officials a sign that desperation the russian invasion began early thursday morning for it is
western ukraine making molotov cocktails instead of beer. his name is yuri zastavny. thank you for your time. as long as the signal holds. you aren t making beer, you are making bombs. tell us about it. small craft brewers need to make something. they can t just sit idle so we decided to use our chemical skills and our own labor to do something that requires precision exactly like beer, so once you understood we can t brew beer because it is not time for beer we theed to get our other things sorted out. we decided to make molotov cocktails because we can use bottles, the people. it was a grassroots idea from the personnel to do something. do what you can do. bill: how did you learn how to do this safely and how do you expect it to get to the residents of that town safely?
poland and let russians destroy our independences and kill our citizens, kill our children, kill our elderly people, i made the decision to come become to ukraine to fight. reporter: here is the university town in west ukraine, the students would be studying having fun. today they were making bombs, we saw the students making molotav cocktails, large homemade bombs possible roadside bombs, the growing 368 thousand okay, ukrainian refugees have poured out of the country,120 americans with them. the students today were nervous, they feel it is a matter of time, 2000 russian