we don t know t. dynamics scoring being what it is the notion that corporations will simply sit on this windfall and won t reinvest in capital doesn t make a lot of sense unless are you really terrified of what the future will bring. we have a lot of indications they shouldn t be terrified of what the future will bring we ve had some stability in the commitment i am hopeful. but it is hope. i don t think anybody else has anything more than that. joe, we will find out about the impact of this tax bill within a fairly reasonable period of time. maybe six months to a year. can you get a sense of it. that the corporate tax rate going to 21%, corporate tax rate getting cut is a good thing. i don t know about 21%. it s a good thing, but as casey pointed out, noah alluded to, what will happen to the money that corporations make? are they going to hire more people or, more importantly, over the next six months to a year, if you are out there, makeing $75,000, $95,000.