Interventions addressing the partners substance use may help reduce pregnant women s substance use, too, while improving their relationship satisfaction, protecting against depression, and boosting infant development.
Nutrition Plays a Key Role in Your Skin Care by Hannah Joy on May 25, 2021 at 4:16 PM
Is there a link between nutrition and skin health? Yes, there is, says a new study. You can maintain healthy skin and delay skin aging by following a healthy and nutritious lifestyle.
There is a whole gamut of skincare products available right now online and in stores that might give our skin the glow, shine, anti-ageing, smoothness that we all crave. But, what happens when we stop using these products? Many of us have an endless list of skin concerns like pigmentation, others about dryness or oiliness, or pimples, or allergies. However, as you grow older, one of the best ways to take care of your skin is to focus on what you eat, rather than what you apply.