nevada, new hampshire and south carolina, which is the first four states, we ll probably see absolutely no more than five candidates heading into california. and if you have one bit of advice for covering the 2020 field, obviously you come from a position here, a liberal position, what do you want to see the press do to hold these candidates accountable? do a better job than you did against hillary clinton. don t make up news. make up news? come on. what news was made up, howard? the news, for example, of the canadian nickel mine that was supposedly being pushed by the russians when they inverted the timeframe and never corrected it. there s a long list. i heard jackie interrupting. what was your reaction to that? i just i mean, we covered hillary clinton fairly and thoroughly. i can only speak for the daily beast but, you know, i think there s a lot of unfair criticism, frankly, that comes from the left, and the right
it was a tip from a concerned citizen, that s what led them to publish this photo from ralph northam s medical school yearbook. regardless of what website published it first, it was important news. scrambling to see if it was legit. and it was. confirming that the photo was real. and many journalists figured that north kls am would resign by now. take a look at the front page of the newspaper in richmond times dispatch. on the left you see the saturday coverage saying he was sorry for the photo and on today, sunday s coverage saying maybe it wasn t me. what is going on? april summers is back with me and we re joined with david as well as howard dean. governor dean, since you ve been in this position as a governor
coverage and talking to peers around the field, we have to be deliberate in our work and think critically about how we make sure our coverage does not reflect and what it means and these cultures we re covering and making sure that s reflective of that. you re absolutely right. national newsrooms, according to survey after survey, are lagging behind the country in terms of representing the country s diversity. in a number of ways, whether it s the number of women in newsroom leadership positions or number of people in color in leadership positions, et cetera. let me ask about cory booker s role. he came out friday morning in an interesting way, ruby, and you were part of this. a lot of newsrooms, including buzz feed and ap, they knew about his announcement under the embargo and it lifted 7:00 a.m. eastern time friday. tell me how that worked. sure. an embargo is basically an agreement between the reporter and the campaign where they say we are going to have some news
yearbook photo was revealed and suddenly the news cycle changed and northam has remained the top story ever since. i would argue was mostly overshadowed by the news involving northam. let s talk about these contrasting stories and what they mean. the media critic for the baltimore sun, april somers and ruby kramer. i want to get into a number of stories about the democratic field. first, this idea, david, that we are talking about a number of history-making candidates, it is incredible to see the number of women running, number of people of color running and yet i feel this is being taken for granted. should we, in the press, be talking more about the historic nature of this early primary season? yeah.
there was news that he s going to start going to the early states. i hope one of these consultants told him he doesn t have a primary as an independent candidate. it really is and who is calling for, to governor dean s point, who is his constituency? who is calling for this candidacy? that s something that, you know, we should look at in terms of coverage as we go forward in this race. last word to you. are journalists sometimes infatuated by billionaire candidates for some reason? i think that could be a fair point. i was thinking about howard schultz. i m reminded of something that another billionaire told me when he was considering. he told me the presidential race is where the conversation about future america is and i think that there are many different ways to play a role in that conversation and it s clear that howard saddam hussein schultz has something to say that he