also had a spark she d come in and what, i merely introduced herself to everybody? make friends, and peopl were drawn to her. easy to talk to you. you saw boys interest in her? oh definitely, yeah from an early age from an early age that never ended, did it? no, no. little sister lucy remember how she was also in charge o watching out for her, while he single mother often worked two jobs to make ends meet you are how much younger a, seven years younger a lot of girls would want their younger sister ten along no, she didn t want to. even as a child, maribe figured out that a different world existed, and she wante to live there. she knew what a young age that there was a lot more to life than what we had around us, there s things you can do fo school and have opportunities, and live in a nicer house. she saw all the yeah, definitely. maribel ramos knew she