undoubtedly sign the thing. now, if you are live in the real world, and the words diversity, equity, and inclusion sound like positive things to you, what happened today in florida feels like madness. but if you re a fox news viewer, this all might make perfect sense. it might even seem overdue. let me take a step back. this is christopher ruffo. he s now one of the people that governor desantis has appointed to the board of trustees that oversees new college in florida that s a school that we, on the show, have done quite a bit of reporting on. it is the school that governor desantis is essentially trying to make the test case for anti woke education. christopher ruffo is also likely the reason your conservative uncle wouldn t stop talking about critical race theory, or crt, at thanksgiving last year. ruffo is even the reason former president trump became obsessed with crt. and september of 2020, ruffo went on tucker carlson s show to not only make his case against crt, but
give some of these republican officer holders truth serum and get out why they were doing this, like why get into the whole election game. what woulde they say? i mean because power is one thing, but to really have no principle that you can particularly articulate. other thanar winning. texas is particularly interesting and interesting in a lot of these states, you re seeing it in missouri. the paranoia is so yeah, to boulder s point, it s a snake eating its own tail. thank you my friend as always. today the florida statehouse of representatives passedse a bill that prevents colleges and universities in florida from spending any money on anything that promotes equity, diversity, and inclusion. now it heads to florida governor ron desantis who will undoubtedly signnt the thing. now, if you live in the real world and if the words diversity and equity and inclusion sound like positive things to you, what happened today in florida feels likein madness. but if you are a fox
give some of these republican officeholders truth serum. and get out why they were doing this. like, why get into the whole election came? what would they say? because well i think power is one thing. but to really have no principles that you can particularly articulate other than winning. i mean, and texas it s particularly interesting, and it s interesting in a lot of the states. cnn missouri, ohio s not like you guys are on the run. you re doing fine! you don t have to rig the rules. the paranoia is so the paranoia, yeah. but to holders point, if there wasn t so much no, there weren t. it s a confession. it s a snake eating its own tale. exactly. thank, you my friend, as always. today, the florida state house of representatives cast a bill that prevents colleges and universities in florida from spending any money on anything that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion. the state senate already gave this bill the greenlight, so not heads to f
ron desantis, who will undoubtedly sign the thing. now, if you live in the real world, and if the words diversity and equity and inclusion sound like a positive things to you, what happened today in florida feels like madness. but if you re a fox news viewer, this might all make perfect sense. it might even seem overdue. let me take a step back. this is christopher ruffo. he s now one of the people that governor desantis has appointed to the board of trustees that oversees new college in florida. that s a school that we, on the show, and then quite a bit of reporting on. it is the school that governor desantis is essentially trying to make the test case for anti woke education. christopher ruffo is also likely the reason your conservative uncle wouldn t stop talking about critical race theory, or see our team, at thanksgiving last year. ruffo is even the reason former president trump became obsessed with crt. and september of 2020, ruffo
fast forward nearly three years later, and christopher ruffo believes he has won. but, conservatives must move the fight from ideology to bureaucracy. we ve won the debate against crtc. now, it s time to dismantle dei. deede i meaning diversity, equity, and inclusion. dei dei is the new crt. get ready to hear about it this thanksgiving. and that is why at its colleges. but this isn t just the work of christopher ruffo. this is also the work of fox news. fox platformed ruffo and helped make crt, and by extension, dei, the right-wing buzzwords that they are today. as unfortunate as that is, if you care about diversity and equity and inclusion in society, as unfortunate as that is, it shouldn t be surprising. because this focus on stoking grievance and division, that is fox news s bread and butter.