is this something we could see happen, at least the never have a shutdown act kevin mccarthy is a good man. but that seems to me to be a gimmick. the most important thing is we never hold hostage hard working public servants. do you want to legislate that we should take a hard look at making sure we don t pursue shutdowns as a means of trying to extract leverage, whether that s a democratic president or republican president let me go back on what i was trying to get at the republicans infamously had a speaker of the hou rule called the hastert rule, that referred to the idea of the house speaker of the house that had his own that if a majority of the majority party didn t support a bill, they would never put it on the floor. do the democrats the new democratic majority have that same is there going to be a verse of an unofficial rule like that we haven t taken that position we have taken a position we want to work in a bipartisan way and in particular on behalf of our for