Pamela C. Richards Samuel is being remembered as an intellectual and dedicated public servant, who was passionate about sharing Virgin Islands history and literature with visitors to her Bookstore 340
ST. CROIX — Lawmakers convened during a session of the 35th Legislature on Monday to approve nominations, zoning amendments and lease agreements before passing a range of resolutions and bills,
Approved measures: Nominations: Harold W. L. Willocks, Esq. — Virgin Islands Supreme Court Justice Averil George — Human Services Commissioner Antonio O. Stevens — V.I. Fire and Emergency Medical Services
The V.I. Water and Power Authority said leaders are being transparent with politicians and the public about the utility’s finances, following announcements that Fitch Ratings had withdrawn WAPA’s rating, and
V.I. Inspector General Delia Thomas is proceeding with a special audit of the V.I. Water and Power Authority that was prompted by the Legislature, after senators voted to override a