Are watchinggh American History tv, 48 hours of programming on American History every week and on cspan3. Cspanus on twitter at cpanhistory. The communicators, executives of the american cable association, board chair, robert gessner, and matthew coco talk about the future of the cable industry and the issues it faces, such as whether consumers would choose skinny bundle packages over the bigger bundles. And the regulation of the internet. And all of their networks will require them be carried on the most widely distributed level of service. And so does everybody else. Really, what we end up with is this bundle of bundles that everybody has to take. And as an operator, i would love to disaggregate that bundle insult the people as they wish and sell it to people as they wish. Of course, must consumers dont recognize, if that happens, the price of the individual or individual channels or even a bundle of channels will. Kyrocket you they arect is the providing settop boxes and committed o
Statistics. I read this, another problem is that we may be creating too much data. What do you mean by that . Roberts i did not mean creating too much data in the context of big data, and artificial intelligence. Most of that is being used for marketing. Most of the big data that is actually being used by corporations is to steal market share away from each other. That is not producing productivity or social benefits, it is just carving up a zero sum pie. Brian when did you get the idea for this book . Robert the original idea of rapid even nine growth in the middle the 20th century, Slower Growth before and after, came about when i was graduating many years ago, when new work on the history of the American Economy came up with some startling numbers. That is that the output, the total production of goods and services in the u. S. Economy doubled between the 1920s in the 1950s. And yet, the amount of capital that was used to produce goods and services did not increase at all. That viol
Vigorous problemsolving ideas of the donor. And what could become embedded it becomestion sclerotic. You lose that freshman made philanthropy you lose that freshness that made philanthropy important in the first is great encourage donors to spend hard when they are alive and make sure that the people they really trust clean up in a 5, 10, 15 years after they had gone. George eastman was a pioneer in that, spending while living. Question, one more this gentleman in the back, and that i would like to invite you to reception. That has been pointed out 56 of americans will find himself in the top 10 of earners at some point in their lives. Can you talk about that american dynamism and what it means for american philanthropy. Mr. Zinsmeister i found out a wonderful organizations i have never heard of is a french organization, names for enoch. Enoch was the man who could not chians is an association of firms that are hundreds of years on. A company was founded in the middle ages. The Howard
Brian Professor Robert j. Gordon, author of the rise and fall of american growth. 750 pages of a lot of statistics. I read this, another problem is that we may be creating too much data. What do you mean by that . Roberts i did not mean creating too much data in the context of big data, and artificial intelligence. Most of that is being used for marketing. Most of the big data that is actually being used by corporations is to steal market share away from each other. That is not producing productivity or social benefits, it is just carving up a zerosum pie. Brian when did you get the idea for this book . Robert the original idea of rapid Economic Growth in the middle the 20th century, Slower Growth before and after, came about when i was graduating many years ago, when new work on the history of the American Economy came up with some startling numbers. That is that the output, the total production of goods and services in the u. S. Economy doubled between the 1920s in the 1950s. And yet
Creating too much data. What do you mean by that . Ert we are committing creating too much data in the context of big data, and artificial intelligence. Most of that is being used for marketing. Most of the big data that is actually being used by corporations is to steal market share away from each other. That is not producing productivity are social benefits, it is just carving up a very zero some pipe. Brian when did you get the idea for this book . Robert the original idea of rapid even nine growth in the middle the 20th century, Slower Growth before and after, came about when i was graduating many when new work on the history of the American Economy came up with some startling numbers. , theis that the output total production of goods and services in the u. S. Economy doubled between the 1920s in the 1950s. And yet, the amount of capital that was used to produce goods and services did not increase at all. That violated all that the Economic Growth rules that said that output and ca