The sound of Air Force One arriving in Saudi Arabia carrying presidential up on his 1st foreign trip since taking office he was greeted by King Solomon at the airport and the president who once called it an insult to the Saudis when most shell Obama flooded tradition and didn t cover her head and hair during a 2015 trip there stepped off Air Force One with 1st lady Malani a Trump at his side her head and hair uncovered a.b.c. News is confirming that at least one current White House staffer is being investigated as part of the probe into possible ties between the trunk campaign in Russia White House press secretary Sean Spicer insists a thorough investigation will confirm there was no collusion a hotdog recall the company that makes Nathan skinless be Franks and Curtis beef master Franks says certain packages could be contaminated with pieces of metal this is a.b.c. News. Years or so open water cleaning believe harmful bacteria viruses and mold that can make you sick that alone will ke
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With 4 more counts of murder 4 fellow inmates were found dead strangled inside their prison cell scary moments in a south Florida mall today an alarm was sounded after police say a former gym employee shot chill of his ex coworkers before killing himself according to the Miami Dade police the shootings at the Equinox fitness club located at the upscale shops at Merrick Park Mall in Coral Gables happened during an argument between the x. Worker and the gym s manager shortly after the shots rang out an automated recording was heard in the mall. A mall was on lockdown for a time until police secured the scene I m armless mage heiress officials say the emergency system in Dallas was hacked that s why dozens of storm sirens blared to over knocked on Jan Johnson. That Mattress Firm we had that we have lots of sales but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity so big even We re impressed save up to 70 percent off famous name brands plus take up to 2000 dollars off your models from ceiling to