/ Staff writer, with CNALive-fire drills are to be held from July 25 to 29 to simulate the defense of the Port of Taipei against a Chinese attack, a military officer said yesterday.
Taipei, May 15 (CNA) Taiwan's annual major military exercises this year begin Monday with a five-day tabletop wargames phase to simulate the military's defense tactics against possible Chinese invasion scenarios, according to the Ministry of National Defense (MND).
The annual Han Kuang military exercises are to begin today with tabletop wargames to test defense strategies against possible Chinese invasion scenarios, the Ministry of National Defense said yesterday.
Unlike previous editions, this year’s wargames would not feature computer simulations and would instead involve physical maps, the ministry said.
The computerized format was dropped because physical maps allow generals to meet face-to-face to discuss strategy and brainstorm ides, a military source said.
In this way, top-level military officials can better come up with an understanding and reach consensus on defensive strategies, which would be beneficial to the planning of overall military operations, the
Taiwan will test the combat capability and the readiness of its forces to fight off an attack from mainland China in its annual Han Kuang war game, which starts next month.
Taipei, April 27 (CNA) Taiwan's annual major military exercises this year will incorporate lessons learned from Russia's invasion of Ukraine to sharpen combat preparedness against a Chinese invasion, the military announced Wednesday.