a matter of local pride. not out of where we come from so we like wearing the showpiece of the handbag fashion see. more to see you know. the cap is now so in vogue that it s being stopped by major clothing chain such as h. and m. and development at the master hunter welcomes. it s fun and looks good on a lot of women. as we can see it helps if the cap goes well with anything but will the trend last. hi conan as with any trend it will eventually die down but i wouldn t call the sailor an it. is a classic an orphan german tussock that will hopefully stay with us forever to. however the elbe sailor fares in the future it will always be associated with hamburg and the river which gave it its name the elder.
a measure of local pride. not out of where we come from so we like wearing the showpiece of the handbag fashions and. the cap is now so in vogue that it s being stopped by major clothing chain such as h. and m. a development that the master had a welcomes. it s fun and looks good on a lot of women. as we can see it helps if the cap goes well with anything but will the trend last. high only as with any trend it will eventually die down but i wouldn t call. it a piece. it s a classic northern germany tussock that will hopefully stay with us forever. however the elbe ziggler fares in the future it will always be associated with hamburg and the river which gave it its name the elder.
yes that s great. ranger agenda the ebay case statement especially. as a measure of local pride. not out of where we come from so we like wearing the showpiece of the hamburg fashion. you know. the cap is now so in vogue that it s been stopped by major clothing chain such as a development that the master had or welcomes. and looks good on a lot of women. as we can see it helps if the cap goes well with anything but will the trend last. only as with any trend it will eventually die down but i wouldn t call it he said. it s a classic northern germany classic that will hopefully stay with us forever.