A financial services lawyer has questioned whether the law should single out and impose a particular regulation, or a higher standard of regulation, for certain kinds of registered schemes over othe
Managed accounts have become a widely used solution with over half of all financial advisers now recommending them to their clients. Last year, Investment Trends reported that 53 per cent of 669 sur
Michelle Levy is partly optimistic that Stephen Jones understands the need for her QAR recommendations, but is concerned he may sideline the big banks while making it easier for super funds to provid
ifa has learnt that Minister Jones will not be publicly sharing his views on the final QAR report until after the May budget. As previously reported, Financial Services Minister Stephen Jones has opte
The AIOFP has raised several issues with the self-licensing trend. While the Association of Independently Owned Financial Professionals (AIOFP) supports the current licensing regime and believes ther