The retrospective show "Gabrielle Chanel Fashion Manifesto" at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London takes visitors on a journey that begins with the iconic designer’s first millinery boutique in Paris in 1910 and ends with her final collection in 1971. Featuring over 200 looks brought together in one place for the first time, the show shines a spotlight on both little-known pieces held by the Museum and showstoppers from the fashion house, Patrimoine de Chanel, and the Palais Galliera (Paris Fashion Museum). The show and recent books on the designer also crack open a door to what few know about Channel: her fixation with Russian aesthetics in the early 1920s, inspired by or part of her fascination with the Russian émigrés in her social circle. “This interest manifested in her designs of the period,” says Oriole Cullen, the curator behind the show "Gabrielle Chanel Fashion Manifesto." “Chanel employed several Russian émigrés at her salon.
Euphoria star Maude Apatow’s Chloé look for the 2023 Met Gala was inspired by a dress Karl Lagerfeld created for the brand in 1983. See her get ready here.
Common Hours’ silk robes: where loungewear meets black tie
Common Hours’ silk robes: where loungewear meets black tie
Loungewear just got an impeccably luxurious update. Envelop yourself in Common Hours’ delicate silk robes
Common Hours robe featuring photography artwork by Darwin, Sinke & van Tongeren
Has your affinity for loungewear hit an all time low? We’d hazard a guess, that like us, you’re sick of shuffling around in your sweat pants. Perhaps you’re envisaging a piece which promises ease but also elegance. Something that doesn’t only appeal for indoors, but something which encompasses a heavy hit of escapsim. Luckily, Syndey-based label Common Hours has the utterly luxurious answer.