Jean Thompson: activist and humanitarian
After fundraising and campaigning to end poverty for almost 30 years, Jean Thompson has pledged a gift in her Will to Christian Aid.
Friday, 8th January 2021, 9:05 am
Jean Thompson: “I’m passionate about Christian Aid because they help people in poor countries, regardless of their religion.”
Bangor lady, Jean Thompson has been a Christian Aid supporter since 1994. She makes a monthly donation by direct debit as well as ad hoc donations in response to emergency appeals.
Since retiring from her role as a clerical officer in a residential home, Jean has had more time to devote to her unpaid work as the Christian Aid organiser at First Bangor Presbyterian Church. Each May during Christian Aid Week, she carries out a house-to-house collection in the town, and after church on Sundays she holds coffee mornings and Traidcraft stalls to raise funds for the charity’s work. She is supported by many friends in her church but makes special men