but nobody lits stened to scott walkery jindal. . best mainstream hope is jeb bush because his super pac raised more than $1 million in the first half of the year. today the washington post reports of that $100 million war chest his campaign has already spent nearly $50 million and for what? all that money has bought him nothing. he s down to 4% in the latest national poll and he s been stuck at roughly that level or even worse for weeks now. $50 million. some people in mainstream republican politics talk about marco rubio as another potentially mainstream savior for the party. maybe he s the one who could potentially beat donald trump. whatever marco rubio has going for him in terms of mainstream media support and billionaire hedge fund donors funding him,
best mainstream hope is jeb bush because his super pac raised more than $1 million in the first half of the year. today the washington post reports of that $100 million war chest his campaign has already spent nearly $50 million and for what? all that money has bought him nothing. he s down to 4% in the latest national poll and he s been stuck at roughly that level or even worse for weeks now. $50 million. some people in mainstream republican politics talk about marco rubio as another potentially mainstream savior for the party. maybe he s the one who could potentially beat donald trump. whatever marco rubio has going for him in terms of mainstream media support and billionaire hedge fund donors funding him, he doesn t seem to be putting it to work on his actual campaign. he doesn t seem to be putting
that s been the mainstream theory. since scott walker made that dramatic call to action on september 21st that he and other candidates should get out of the race for the good of the party and the good of the country, since he made that call, bobby jindal s too said that other candidates should drop out on the occasion of him quitting. so the field could be narrowed to better focus on beating donald trump. apparently nobody s listening to bobby jindal on this score either because nobody s quit since him. today scott walker in wisconsin reiterated that call. he told a wisconsin tv station today that, if you have a small field, more people will focus toward the majority opinion. he told wis-tv, i hope others do what i did, which is suspend their campaigns. frankly, donald trump is so far ahead of the rest of the field i don t know if a smaller number in the field would result in him not getting nomination. but nobody listened to scott walker or bobby jindal. . best mainstream hope is