To the Person Who Flipped Me Off on 295 Yesterday
Dear Sir,
Like Adele once said Hello, it s me. It s me, the guy that was in the gray truck from the highway merge yesterday on 295. Now, first off, I just wanted to say I m sorry if you were nervous when I first started merging onto the highway. If we re being honest, I don t think I really did anything aggressive, because I like to be the first person to call myself out if I m below average at something.
That said, I don t know what it looked like from your point of view when I was merging from the on-ramp onto the highway. Sure, you were in the right lane and it was possible that you could ve moved over, but honestly, I didn t mind at all. But if you got nervous when I started picking up my speed and revved my engine a bit because I gave the ole girl some gas to prep for a merge from 15 to 55, I m actually genuinely sorry.