Updated July 12
Warren S. Doersam Warren Scott Doersam, 79, passed away July 8, 2021, at the Maine Veteran s Home in Augusta. He was born Jan. 20, 1942, in Malden, Mass. .
AUGUSTA Warren Scott Doersam, 79, passed away July 8, 2021, at the Maine Veteran’s Home in Augusta. He was born Jan. 20, 1942, in Malden, Mass., the son of Leonhard and Catherine P. (Scott) Doersam.
He graduated from Pinkerton Academy in New Hampshire, class of 1959, and attended classes at the University of New Hampshire and Northern Essex Community College in Haverhill, Mass. On Feb. 25, 1984, he married Joline Seymour in Fremont, N.H. He was employed early in his career in computer operations as a computer technician and later in desktop publishing and as chaplain of Waldo County Jail, and, finally, as founder and director of Maine Prison Ministeries.
very long time. it s also sending shock waves across egypt and the entire world. fair warning, what the camera caught, what the women are protesting, well, it s hard to watch. and here s also no sound. which perhaps is just as well because the images speak for themselves. watch. now, we don t know what ultimately became of this woman except that she suffered serious cuts, serious bruises. but we do know this. she s not the only one. and yet keeping them honest, until tonight the generals in charge of egypt these days are insisting that what you just saw was only an isolated incident. translator: and here i want to mention a very important point. the armed forces and police have pledged not to use violence against protesters, physically or even verbally. now, do these troops look like they ve taken some sort of pledge of nonviolence against protesters? i mean, does beating the daylights out of defenseless people qualify as nonviolence? it s been going on for days. riot pol