Bangor Gets Creative To Provide Outside Seating For Businesses
It s something a lot of bigger cities were doing prior to the pandemic; creating spaces for outdoor dining and storefronts. While Bangor had a couple of spaces where folks could eat outside, this year, it s expanding the availability of those options.
When Covid-19 hit, and closed many of the businesses across the state. Bangor had to get creative. They City borrowed some parking spaces and even shut down a couple of side roads, to allow for businesses to create outdoor retail and eating spaces, since there were restrictions on the number of people who could be inside a business or restaurant at one time.
While seeing this colorful newly painted crosswalk in Hallowell will not be a surprise to most folks, it will likely warm many hearts as a symbol of and inclusivity and diversity.
I was delighted to see that this has happened in my favorite little city around. In a photo shared today on Facebook by George Lapointe, a rainbow crosswalk was painted on the pavement in downtown Hallowell this week in support of our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters.
I have been an ally of this part of our community as far back as I can remember. It s likely that my early involvement with theater and dance was where my acceptance and respect for those who loved differently than I, had emerged.
When I was a youngster growing up in Augusta, nearby Hallowell was a destination in our family for fine restaurants, fine arts, fine antiques and more. It was a place which helped to inform my tolerant attitudes toward behaviors and opinions that may different from my own.