the atlantic magazine just hosted a conference no self-awareness whatsoever entitled disinformation and thes erosion of democracy. sohe they say they invited all f your favorite purveyors of disinformation and exponents of censorship. barack obama, jonah goldberg and applebaum and of course is no iqlter there bar. apparently what the speakers didn t countnt on the expected hours of just bloviating is that there are still a couple of kids in chicago who are awake enough to say wait a second, what are you talking about? disinformation. here s one exchange you ve all spoken extensively about fox news being a purveyor of disinformation, but cnn is right up there with them. they push the russian collusion hoax. they push the justice maillet hoax. they smear justice cavanaugh as a and they also smeared nick salmon as white supremacist. and yes, they dismissed the one hunter biden laptophatas fair as pure russian disinformation. all the mistakes ofatio the mainstream media and cnn
joe biden blamed donald trump for an alleged plot to kidnap the governor of michigan then as now gretchen whitmer now at the time wittmer praised the fbi for saving her from the thirteen domestic terrorist white supremacists watch earlier todayat, attorney generl dana nessel was joinedom by officials from the department of justice d o and the fbi to announce state and federal charges against 13 members of two militia m groups who areil preparing to kidnap and possibly kill me. if you break the law or conspire to commit heinous acts of violence against anyone, we will find you. we y honorable and we will brins you to justice. totally mesmerized by the sign language interpreter behind or didn t t hear a word she said. except she made the pointve that everyone agrees with . if you try and hurt someone you should be punished. so okay, but it turns out the story is not at all what they claimed it was from court documents we learned
0 nationwide and there s zero obligation calls today or visit ideal agent .com obamagate kathie lee gifford. she s doing by her friends who share their interest rate and good friends. i know sunday on fox news channel. good evening and welcome to tucker carlson site. we ve beenbo assessing the by the administration for trying toa year figure out what the themes are. and here s the conclusion we ve come to there is in factin a single principle that guides the biden administration. here s what it iscihe. your rights as an american are not in fact ineligible. we know this because joe biden himself has said it out loud several times. he s reminded m that your constitutional protections extend precisely as far as hese says they do. now the framers famously claimed that a citizen s rightss come from god and the government s job is to protect those rights. that was the deal. butra the modern democratic party, which will not acknowledge god has inverted that formula. so now politicians loa